The solenoid TORO irrigation P-series 150, as all the models of this manufacturer, is an electric valve for residential or commercial use that stands out for its resistance and durability. These valves are perfect for when you need pressure regulation or low pressure.
The plastic valves P 150 for commercial use TORO are the workhorses of the plastic valves. With a pressure of 10 bar (150-psi), then you're plastic valves can withstand the high pressures of commercial applications. These valves come with the optional device EZReg™, regular pressure is as simple as dialing in the setting on the dial.
Valves irrigation electric TORO are the perfect solution for all those people who are looking for a valve complete but economic. The water valves TORO are robust and resistant so they are perfect for any application, residential or commercial.
The electróvalvula of tiego P 150 has a lid, sturdy and reinforced to resist the high pressures and the conditions of application harsh. It features a heavy duty rubber diaphragm, double-lip, capable of withstanding pressures of breakage of 50 bar. The series valves P-150 is constructed of reinforced nylon with glass fiber (GFN) and stainless steel.
The series of valves of water P 150 TORO offers a or precise control of pressure technology of dial compact optional EZReg™. This option can be installed in the field without having to disassemble the solenoid. The pressure can be regulated both in electric-only mode as in manual mode, and the maintenance is possible under pressure. The maximum pressure is 10 bar with capacity for low-flow, minimum 20 L/min.
TORO offers the confidence that the valve TPV will work right the first and for many years.