
Terms of use and privacy policy

General information about the owner of the website:
In compliance of the provisions of article 9 of Law nº 34/2002, of 11 July, services of information society and electronic commerce we inform our users that the owner of the website located at the domain is Comercial Blautec, S. L, hereinafter BLAUTEC, with registered offices at calle C/ Lecco, 9 Pol. Commercial Les Comes, 08700, Igualada C. I. F B59156034. Mercantile registry of Barcelona, Volume 20079, Folio 195, Hoja B-946, 1st Inscription.

The exploration of the website BLAUTEC, located in the domain and any of the pages through it that can be accessed, necessarily implies that the user has read, understands and accepts the “Conditions of use and privacy policy” of this web site. In case you do not agree with the terms and conditions described in these legal texts, the user must refrain from using this web site.

Products and services:
By using this web site BLAUTEC, makes available to users free information regarding products and services provided by the company. The information provided does not constitute a commercial offer, and it was necessary to establish direct and individual with BLAUTEC and in any case, the contracting of the products and services of BLAUTEC will be governed by its General and Specific Conditions of Contract.

Intellectual and industrial property:
All designs, trademarks, logos, names, images, graphics, icons and other content on the web site are owned by BLAUTEC thus enjoying the own protection provided by the applicable legislation on industrial and intellectual property. In any case access to the website imply assignment by BLAUTEC of such rights to the users. Users of the website may make private use of it and its contents. In no case may make commercial use of the same, or alter in any way, reproduce beyond their private use, distribute them or communicate them publicly. Likewise, it is strictly forbidden to use the contents of the website for any purpose or in any manner other than that permitted by BLAUTEC in the present “Terms of use”. The contents, texts, logos, designs, images, photographs, and, in general, any intellectual creation existing on this website, as well as the site as a whole, as multimedia artwork, have been properly registered and, consequently, are protected as rights copyright by the legislation on intellectual property. In case users wish to use trademarks, logos, names or any other distinctive sign available on the website of BLAUTEC, may request the necessary authorization by contacting with the society, addressing the same by means of contact indicated in these “Terms of use”.

The user of this website undertakes to respect the rights mentioned and avoid any action that may damage them. Any copy or unauthorized use of the design or content of the website that differs from the expressly permitted by BLAUTEC in your character of owner of the intellectual property rights on the same, affect their rights and, consequently, to legitimize BLAUTEC to exercise any actions, both civil and criminal, protect their legitimate rights of intellectual and industrial property.

Access to the web site:
Access to this website is unrestricted and free.

This web site contains hyperlinks to other websites which are not edited, controlled, maintained or supervised by BLAUTEC will not be responsible for the content of such web sites. The content thereof is the responsibility of their respective owners and BLAUTEC does not guarantee or endorse such content. The function of the links appearing on this page is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information about the corresponding subject matter on the internet, where you can expand the data offered on this web site. BLAUTEC will not be in any case responsible for the result obtained through such hyperlinks. Those users who wish to establish hyperlinks to this website must refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect on the same or their content. In any case be stated or given to understand that BLAUTEC authorizes the hyperlink, or supervises, approves or assumes any way the contents or services offered or made available on the web page in which the hyperlink to the web site. The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of any relationship between BLAUTEC, and the owner of the web page in which is set the same. It is prohibited the establishment of hyperlinks to the website in web pages that include information or content that is unlawful, immoral or contrary to good customs, public order, the uses accepted on the internet or in any way infringe rights of third parties. Hyperlinks which, while respecting the requirements outlined above, setting the web site from other web pages provide access to the same, but not reproduce its content in any way. In the event that BLAUTEC had actual knowledge that the activity or information to which these links is illicit, constitutive of offense or can injure the goods or rights of third parties susceptible of indemnity, it will act with the necessary diligence to eliminate or disable the corresponding link as soon as possible.

Exchange or dissemination of information.
BLAUTEC declines all responsibility derived from the exchange of information between users through its page web. Especially not responsible for the use which minors may make of it if the contents they access harm their sensibility. From BLAUTEC not guarantee the absence of viruses and other elements that may cause damage to the computer systems, electronic documents or user files of this website or third party websites, and is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by these reasons. BLAUTEC will not be liable for any damage or prejudice that could be given because of a circumstance of force majeure, such as: error in communication lines, defects in the Hardware and Software of the users, failures in the Internet network (connections, in linked pages).

BLAUTEC does not guarantee the total updating, accuracy and/or availability at all times of the contents of your website, while doing everything possible to make it so. Despite the fact that BLAUTEC want to provide their users through the web site continuous service, the same could be interrupted by circumstances of diverse nature. In such a case, BLAUTEC attempt to minimize the consequences of such disruption so that its users are affected as little as possible, whenever this is possible, and is not responsible in any case of the damages that may entail for the user to service interruption of access to this web site.

Commercial communications:
In compliance of the provisions of article 21 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, services of information society and electronic commerce, through the acceptance of these “Terms of use”, the user expressly authorizes BLAUTEC to send them to the e-mail address you provide as a contact promotional or commercial communications advertising, unless expressly manifested its opposition. The user may refrain from accepting this kind of treatment of data, through the marking of the checkbox that is provided in specific form in our contact us form.

Update and modification of the web page:
BLAUTEC reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained on this website, and its configuration or presentation, at any time, without prior notice and without assuming any responsibility for doing so.

Treatment of user data:
When the user provides their personal data using the contact form presented on the web, is expressly authorizing BLAUTEC to the processing of their personal data to be able to attend to your requests or inquiries and to keep you informed about the services of BLAUTEC. These data will be included in a file owned by BLAUTEC duly registered in the RAEPD, and is equipped with all the safety measures necessary and required by the legislation in force regarding the Protection of Data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

BLAUTEC will not disclose or provide collected data to third parties without the express prior consent of the user, except in the case that the communication is necessary to provide the service the user has requested. The user will respond, in any case, the veracity of the data provided, and its accuracy and relevance, reserving BLAUTEC the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false, inappropriate, inaccurate, without prejudice to other actions stipulated by Law.

The user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and the other recognized by Law, by writing to BLAUTEC Responsible for the File, located in the address given in the header or through the mail

Secure storage of payment details 

At MomentosPiscina, we offer our customers the option of saving their card for future purchases in order to facilitate the payment process on their next visits. This functionality is completely optional and requires the explicit consent of the customer. 

Where and how are payment details stored? 

Card details are not stored directly on our systems. To protect your information, we use a third party payment service provider (PSP) with a secure payment vault. In this vault, your card details are stored in an encrypted and secure manner. In addition, a tokenisation system is used that generates a unique token, which we use to identify the card for future purchases without the need to store the sensitive data directly. The payment service provider is PCI DSS compliant, which ensures the highest industry security standards for the protection of customer data. 

By accepting this option, users will be able to enjoy a more streamlined payment process for future purchases. At any time, users may request that their payment details be deleted by contacting us through the contact means provided in this policy. 

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction:
In general, relations with users, arising from the provision of the services contained on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.