
Cookie policy of the website

Cookie is a file that is downloaded onto your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or its equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which you use your computer, can be used to recognize the user. The user's browser memorizes cookies in the hard disk only during the current session occupying a space of minimum memory and not harming the computer. The cookies do not contain any class of specific personal information, and most of them are erased from the hard disk at the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies).

The majority of browsers accept as standard cookies and, independently thereof, allow or prevent security settings temporary cookies or stored. uses the following cookies:

  • cookie_notice_accepted: is a cookie that is installed when the user accepts the warning message cookies. In this way, once accepted not to upset him more with the notice each time you visit the site.
  • __zlcmid: used by the tool zopim to allow direct chat with customer support (third-party).
  • __ga (google analytics): To measure how users interact with the content of the site and where they came from. Provides data to perform targeted marketing (third-party).
  • __gid (google analytics - session cookie): created by google analytics to distinguish users and know how to use the web page that you visit.
  • first-party cookies for google AdWords to measure the conversion of the google ads (third party).
  • cookies own facebook pixel to see how many people visit the page through ads on facebook (a third party).
  • session cookies (own) to remember the user login for 20 days and so do not have to re-start session (the cookie is destroyed if you close the session from the web and is maintained when you close the browser without logout).
  • PHPSESSION (self): session Cookie to identify the user navigates using PHP variables and be able to navigate between the different pages of the web while you have a session open.

The User expressly accepts, by the use of this website, the treatment of the information collected in the manner and with the purposes mentioned above. And also recognises to know the possibility of rejecting the processing of such data or information by rejecting the use of Cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. Although this option of blocking Cookies in your browser may not allow the full use of all the functionalities of the Website.

Can you allow, block or delete cookies installed on your equipment by configuring the browser options installed on your computer: