Light, robust and compact, makes easy work out of tough jobs
Lightweight and compact, yet powerful and robust. Highlights their greater power and acceleration compared to previous versions, as well as the adjusted price that makes it a very attractive machine for the particular user
Its innovative technology offers a lower consumption, increased acceleration, and increased output by 13% with respect to that of its predecessor, the brush cutter ECHO SRM 220 ESU
The exclusive boot system IS an easy-Start enables a fast start-up with minimal effort
Motor of high resistance has a lower wear and tear, which means a longer useful life and durability extended. Your engine is designed and manufactured in Japan to comply with the second phase of the strict eu directive on emissions (EUST2), with a lower fuel consumption, low noise and less exhaust emissions
Electronic ignition system CDI improves the behavior of the machine at any engine speed, and adjusts perfectly to every condition of work
Low noise level and integrated technology of low vibrations, which makes a model very comfortable to work for long hours. Is maintained within the vibration levels set by the Directive 2002/44/EC, thus being a model, very attractive to local authorities and large contractors
The brush cutter ECHO SRM 222 ESU of handlebar double is suitable to work both with nylon thread or cutting disc
Is delivered with a disc, 3 tips, protection multi-function, protective eyewear and standard harness, so you can enjoy the work comfortably and well protected. Everything is designed for maximum safety for the user
The products ECHO are manufactured under the highest standards of quality and performance
ECHO offers in Spain general guarantee of the manufacturer of 5 years for all of their machines with an internal combustion motor 2T and the Battery's Series 50V (2 years for professional use), as well as a 2-year warranty for the batteries of the Battery Series 50V (warranty conditions may differ depending on the country or maintenance contracts, as is the availability of models, colors, technical specifications and accessories.)
The products ECHO are manufactured under the highest standards of quality and performance. This warranty is our statement of confidence and its distinctive
Data sheet cutter ECHO SRM 222 IS U<p></p><p><strong>Brush cutter lightweight ECHO SRM 222 ESU, handlebar double, compact and handy, easy start IS-Start, low vibration, electronic ignition CDI, EUST2</strong></p> and garden machinery/Garden/Orchard and garden machinery/Brushcutters